Squash is getting back into full swing after the lengthy Covid shutdown and many clubs in Essex are running great coaching and training sessions.
Today, we shine the light on The Connaught Club in Chingford which, over the years, has produced some of our finest county players who have honed their skills on the club’s four squash courts. Connaught is currently running an exciting Friday evening group- training session from 6.30 until 8pm under the tutorage of ex-England Squash elite coach Lee Drew and Connaught coach Danny Deville.
The 90-minute session costs £15 per player and is open to non-members as well as Connaught players.
Please contact Lee on 07785 731732 or Danny on 07967 476626 to secure your place.
We are keen to hear from all club who are running events, coaching or training sessions. Let us know your news and we’ll gladly add it to our website. Click here to contact us http://essexjuniorsquash.co.uk/about/contact-us/