EJS ambassadors

Lara Newton

Which were your Essex Junior Club/s?Lexden Rackets & Fitness Club
Who was your junior coach?Paul Allen
Current Club/sLexden Rackets & Fitness Club and Loughborough University
University?Loughborough University
Highest WR? 234
Did you ever play in the Essex Junior Closed and if so, what was your best result?Champion U13 2017; Champion U15 2019; Champion U19 2021 & 2022
Did you ever play in any inter county teams, if so, what was your best memory?Playing with Renitha & Leah in under 11’s
Who is your favourite player to play?Layla Johnson (Yorkshire)
What skill would you want from someone else?Gohar’s pace
Favourite pre match scran (food)?Banana
Top tip for future playersGhost as much as you can – learn from your losses
What skill are you working on most this year?Building a better base game
How do you prepare for a match?Headphones on, dial in, warm up & visualise
Who coaches you now?Paul Allen & Dan McGinn
If you didn’t play squash, what other sport do you think you may have taken up?Javelin or showjumping